Love Poems

Following God Together - Apart.

O Lord, our eyes are fixed on You,
And we’ll move when You move,
But O Lord,
It’s foggy today;
Where have You painted Your pillar of cloud
On this canvas of gray?
Or, Lord,
We’re passing through flame,
And as to in which fiery column you glow,
How can we know?

We roam
These paths we thought You called us to—
Is that a dead end ahead,
Or only a sharp turn?—Or does the path forge through?
Lord, wouldn’t longer straights
And fewer tracings-back
Constitute a wiser track

And when?—
When, when, when?—
Will our paths meet again?
And not just meet, but cleave?
The sun’s hidden up heaven’s sleeve,
And I’ve lost count of turn after turn—
Are You leading us farther or nearer again?
Our hearts burn.

February 2012

Epiphany Tea for Two

When there was nothing left to say,
We just beamed at each other.

Like how my mother
Wordless repeats the refrain
Of tender, ferocious love
In a gaze

Shyly, like children;
Shyly, like little girls' first meeting,

But trusting to share what strangers can't:
Full eye-lock without speech filling it.

I trespassed long on your hospitality,
Both a little awkward, alone together,

But pleasurably.

And when we had exhausted
Family, Hometown, Epiphany –

We just beamed at each other,
My sister.

Winter 2008

Pumpkin Pie

By the lake and
By the moonlight, sitting on the sand

More-than-friends and
Almost love-ers more than holding hands

If the moon was
Any brighter,
Romance might just
Kill us, you and I.

Three-armed racing
Dunes and breathless dark splash water flood

Walking now and
Finger-meshed still pumping legs and blood

I thought love
Would be like salsa;
Movies never
Taught me pumpkin pie.

Pupils race to
Open, film-fast morning glories swirl

Open arms and
Open hearts and trembling boy and girl

Whisper to me,
Voice just cracking
(First-time terror): 

                                .  .  I love you.

                                (Pumpkin pie)
                                .  .  I love you, too.


Love in Progress
Savoring the sweetness of loving you,
Learning to bear the pain,
Praising the King of my heart for you,
Learning to give you away

                  To the One who made us
                                  and saved us
                                    sustains us even still.
                                Who linked us
                                   and leads us
                                    however He will.

Savoring the sweetness of loving the world,
Learning to bear the pain,
Praising the King of our hearts for its good,
Learning to give it away.

                   To the Three who know:
                                    if and when,
                                    why and how
                                    every end;
We follow.


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